Sunday, February 10, 2008

Finishing thy name is me

Two skirts for A with another cut out waiting to be sewn this week. There is also a skirt for me, but I'm having issues getting the hem just right since it is an a-line skirt. Mom is supposed to help me the next time I see her. Hmm, I have a party next weekend that it might be fun to wear it too. I'll have to bug her.

Now, aprons, aprons everywhere. Two are for me and one is for a friend. I'm wearing mine. I like the pattern and they would be fast to make if you sew at anything resembling a normal speed. (I sew like I knit, very slowly) They do make me look a bit large perhaps, but they'll be comfy even if I eat a lot. I picture the yellow one with purple flowers over a Mrs. Cleaver style 50s dress. I could wear it with some high heeled shoes and my pearls. I would be resplendent as I made M and the boys from work some martinis while they waited for the rack of lamb to finish.

Next up, sushi anyone? For some reason this took me six months to finish. I'm not really sure why. The body of the clutch (they call it a wallet, but it is 7" x 4-5" to me that is a clutch) has been knit for quite some time. The sushi were giving me a little bit of a headache since I knit tightly and my cast on row was causing them to pucker when felted. They looked more like little oddly colored breasts. I just needed a break from it I guess. Overall the project was fun and I love the way the 220 felts. I'm obviously not a master sushi chef, but it's not bad for an amateur.

I have a few projects on the horizon in my get new things by finishing things I already have started/bought. I've been pretty good about not buying new stuff, yet I will soon have a new skirt and if I can buckle down maybe I can get my sweater done before next winter. The weather here will most likely not dip too far below freezing (during waking hours) for the remainder of the season. Other projects in the works include, but are not limited to an Asian style shirt for me in red brocade, yoga pants in black organic cotton, a purple felted bracelet bag, kitty pi inspired cat bed, and yes I am still working on the damnable hollow log for the woodins to live in. This may end up and Easter or even a birthday (mid summer) present.

I also have some red Regia sock yarn that has been calling me with a siren song so sweet that resistance has only been possible because one of my knit picks size 1 circular needles has, after much use, developed a little rough spot. Since I have decided that I don't care for knitting one sock at a time on dpns, I like dpns for other things, this has prevented even the most rudimentary of gage swatching. I can't pay shipping for one stinkin' needle and since I can't purchase anything that is not a necessity.... You can see my problem. I can consider the needle a necessity, but that is about as far as I can stretch it and I hate paying shipping.

There are perhaps other things lying around undone, scrubs for A, for example. We shall not speak of these things until more of the above list is done. Hopefully soon I will have more FOs for pictures. I could also post pics of UFOs. I'll work on taking more pictures soon.