Friday, October 19, 2007

Catching up

Okay so I've been back from vacation for a few months and thought wow I should really post something. I finally got my Ravelry invite. I've uploaded a few pictures there. There has also been some knitting, quite a bit of it for me actually.

Here is the Notre Dame

That's the back and I've actually started the front. Good thing I live somewhere that stays warm until January. Well, November, at least. I'm hoping to have it done before the really cold (insert chuckling here) weather arrives.

For some reason lately the idea of moving is hard to push out of my head. I know that it probably won't happen since M wants to be close to his folks. I haven't figured that one out since we don't do much for them and they don't listen to our advice, but what can you do. Weather that isn't hot or windy sounds really appealing right now. I could even live with rain if the people were a little less zealotous. Yeah I made that word up, but you know what it means don't you. All this restlessness has resulted in a very clean house.

We also have more socks for A.
They are actually several inches longer than this, but I'm too lazy to take a picture right now.

There was dyeing of roving. I still need to spin it up. I'm going to take some pictures before and after I spin it since it is the first time I've done hand painted yarn rather than pot dyeing. Hopefully it will end up sock weight since that is what I want to make with it.

I also went to a fiber event and only purchased some books, soap, and a little bit of alpaca roving. Pretty good I think.

Lastly, I am going to attempt to make a cat sweater for the Crazy Aunt Purl contest. We'll see how Bob feels about it. He is usually game for most stuff for a few minutes at least. If I get it on him I'll post a pic.